
Posts Tagged ‘Pachyphragma macrophyllum’

Brunnera Jack Frost & Pulmonaria 'Blue Ensign'

Really trying to get to grips with the shadier areas in my garden at the moment. I love the way that the blue flowers of the Pumonaria ‘Blue Ensign’ pick up on blue of the forget-me-not-like flowers of these Brunnera. The highly, almost white, variegated leaves of Brunnera ‘Jack Frost’ seem to glow in a dark spot and contrast wonderfully with the surrounding green foliage.

Pulmonaria 'Sissinghurst white' with Pachyphragma macrophyllum

I can’t get enough of Pulmonarias and bought some ‘Sissinghurst whites’ to plant by my Pachyphragma macrophyllum on the right of the photo (big name for such a smallish plant, I know!). Looks like lots of bare earth, but the plants will hopefully spread to form a luxuriant green and white carpet of loveliness in this area soonish.

Euphorbia robbiae with Hyancinth 'Blue Jacket'

This is from a client’s garden at the edge of a small woodland area. Both plants have such vibrantly coloured flowers that they really dazzle when planted next to each other. Might even try planting more Hyacinths within the Euphorbia next time round.

Leucojum aestivum or Summer Snowflake

Despite its name, Leucojum aestivum usually flowers in April or May. It’s like a giant snowdrop, about 18 inches to 2 ft tall and does well in semi-shady parts of my garden. My parents always had these in their garden and these are some of the first plants I planted when we moved to our house about 10 years ago as they really remind me of my childhood and gardening with my parents.

Pittosporum tennuifolium flowers

These teeny-weeny flowers look so insignificant, but have the sweetest scent in a semi-shaded area of my garden. My Pittosporum is a large shrub, but will become a small tree if I don’t do something about it pronto. As soon as the flowers have finished, will get my secateurs out!

Spirea with Tulipa Ballade

Onto sunnier areas in the garden. This Spirea looked pretty naked last spring, flowering in what seemed like its own vacuum, so in autumn I planted these Tulips to enliven the area. Still not sure if I want to keep the Spirea (which came with the house), but the Tulips do improve the spot.

Tulipa Ballade with Euphorbia cyparissias 'Fens Ruby'

However, I planted a few of the Tulips next to this lovely Euphorbia ‘Fens Ruby’ which I do think works. I’ve put a note in my diary for September to order loads more pink tulips (but not Ballade as I want pure pink without the white) for this bed come autumn.

Bare patch in border

And finally, the problem spot! Read a great blog today from Helen at The Patient Gardener. She’d been to hear Fergus Garrett from Great Dixter talk about successional planting and one of the most important lessons she learnt was to always take notes in your own garden! I know I have Crocosmia and some Echinacea coming up in this area later on in the year, but what should I plant here now? (Any ideas gratefully received). Glad I’ve finally taken a pic of this bed in April as I think I may want to plant some more Tulips here and it will be good to know exactly where to place them later in the year. Another note in my diary to buy Tulips for this bed too.

Fergus Garrett at Great Dixter

Helen also mentioned how inspiring she found the talk by Fergus Garrett and I felt the same when I went on a Successional planting day last January.  Great Dixter holds study days throughout the year in East Sussex with Fergus Garrett leading many of the courses. Have a look at my blog about the Successional planting day. I hugely recommend going on a course. You’ll come away having had a very enjoyable day and your head will be full of great new planting ideas.Book now!!

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